'INGLUDING' for 'INCLUDING, 'MITER' for 'METER', 'SUPLAI' for 'SUPPLY'. 'HAMID' for don't ever type again.
'TAILES' for 'TILES', 'PAINDING' for 'PAINTING', 'TANG' for 'TANK', 'FOULD' for 'FAULT'. Just make sure you state clearly what kind of service you want when you eventually call this.
Maybe just maybe they dont want to sell this product... confuse the enemy or something like that.
'PROPOSE' for 'PURPOSE'. Unless they meant something else...
'HANDYCAPPED' for 'HANDICAP'. Who's the handicapped here?. Its politically incorrect anyway to mention the term handicapped. If this were to be in the main hospital...
'THE' is not required. 'TIME' for 'TIMES'. Taken from Melaka at the heart of the tourist attraction adjacent to the old post office.
'DANJER' for 'DANGER'. Taken from a Japanese Naval destroyer class battleship. Now we know what they wanted to destroy after all.
'USED' for 'USE', 'NOTICED' for 'NOTICE', 'THANKS Q' FOR 'THANKS/THANK YOU/ THANK U'. The most complete specimen so far with grammatical error, spelling error and language error. This is an 'A' grade work.
'PINDA' for 'PINDAH', 'HATTIL' for 'KATIL', 'BUWANG' for 'BUANG', 'SAMBAH' for 'SAMPAH'. Is this done on purpose or what?
'MESA' for 'MEJA' (?), 'KURSI' for 'KERUSI', 'KAVIN' for 'KAHWIN' (??). This is I must say I give the heck up trying to figure this one out. Its like blending together an Indian typist with an English and Malay linguist.
'PIDKUP' for 'PICKUP'. Why is it pickup in english and something else in malay?
3-80? Are you kidding me??? Now this is what you call sustainability! Imagine your child of 3 growing up around this toy till his late 70's. Genius is all I can think of...
'PARD' for 'PART'. Maybe. Okay, no child in the right mind would try anything if the child would be able to read this.
Read the last bullet and if you can figure that out I'll salute you. I told them kampai and mass package printing don't mix.
No spelling or grammatic error but this is just plain crazy-bonkers-tonto. Just what the heck are they talking about???
'ALAM' for 'ALARM', 'CENSOR' for 'SENSOR'. Damn he corrected before I came but the other slipped away innit?.
'NAGOTIABLE' for 'NEGOTIABLE'. After 6pm? What are you, a vampire?
'OFFERS' for 'OFFER'. Slight grammar mistake but still dead funny because thatS mean we don't have to go this tuition school's English class...
'REM' for 'RIM', 'LEADER' for 'LEATHER'.
'WORKES' for 'WORKERS', 'BRUNAI' for 'BRUNEI', 'LINCENSE' for 'LICENSE'. This is one crazy Indon. With artwork like this, would you trust his driving skills?. From a wall of a shop in Lambak.
'HARMSTRING' for 'HAMSTRING'. Proofreading can be a bitch. This is taken from one of many many local malay paper. Click here to apply for a recently vacated proofreading post.
'SPECAIL' for 'SPECIAL'. This is probably one of the best so far. From a popular nasi katok establishment in Lambak. Ring a bell anyone?... and mind the pun.
'ISOSATION' for 'ISOLATION'. I guess SARS got to the guy who wrote this already.
'BREAFAST' for 'BREAKFAST'. Maybe a new menu?. Got it off a new restaurant in Jalan Muara.
'PATIENCE' for 'PATIENT'. They never thank me anyway.
This shot is from a place where this signage is the only thing that is worth taking a picture for. FYI check out the 'PEMRIKSAAN' spelling. In an ideal world it probably would be 'pemEriksaan'. Now where have I seen this from?
They did not specify that the sign printing techie need to be an ex-spelling bee semi finalist do they? This is taken from a local university. (Name of university is to be kept anonymous for fun reasons.)
Now this is one rare species of mushroom only to be found at the remote areas of the cold storage section in the isolated peninsula of a fine supermarket in town.
Still quite unsure what they're doing to the warm up pool then but heck!, it's the swimming pool, do you think they know what they're doing anyway? (Source: Lord Silverback)
Must have this in the collection since its on a GOVERNMENT BUILDING. So no prizes for guessing where this gem came from.
SO what do you guys think? Pure ignorance or just plain dumb? Probably its just butterfingers. We certainly hope so. Whatever it is, it's funny with a capital N. Enjoy.